Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Class Update: 10-24-12 and 10-23-12

Yesterday in class we went on a technological scavenger hunt! We split into five groups with each group having about 3 people and exactly one "device". Then we ran around the bottom floor of the school, scanning a total of ten QR codes that were scattered about. Each one described a battle of the Revolutionary War, and we had to write down the description of the battle and then decide which battle it was and what the date was. The first group to get all the battles, dates, and descriptions in the correct order won! Our team ended in third. Today we watched a VoiceThread that Mr. Boyle created which described 8 paintings by four artists. Each painting had something to do with the Revolutionary War, such as showing famous battles. WE heard about some very famous paintings such as the one depicting the meeting of delegates constructing the Declaration of Independence and the painting showing Washington crossing the Delaware. One thing I found interesting was how often the paintings were full of historical inaccuracies. I understand artistic license and that it may have been hard for them to know how things actually looked, but it really is a shame that the paintings are spreading false information to the people viewing them. 

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