Friday, November 9, 2012

Class Update: 11-7-12 and 11-8-12

Yesterday in History class we took more notes on slavery and each received a document either defending or supporting slavery which we answered questions on. My document was by a Southern Senator named John Hammond. The document was one of his speeches about why he supported slavery. He stated that every society needs a group of inferior people to do low level tasks while the more superior people do the more difficult tasks such as running the government and other parts of society. Reading his speech was quite disgusting and it was amazing to see someone justify something as horrible as slavery. Today in class we took more notes on slavery which talked a lot about the underground railroad.  We then read 10 textbook excerpts from 10 different textbooks, all explaining the underground railroad. While of the textbooks explained the basics, they all seemed to have different takes on its importance. Most textbooks seemed to believe the underground railroad only helped few slaves and was really of no importance.

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