Yesterday in history class we broke into two groups, one learning about the Battle of Vicksburg and one learning about the Battle of Gettysburg. I was in the Gettysburg group. We were supposed to use our devices to go on a website to read about this battle. But, we had some technical difficulties. It was hard to pull up the website for some reason so we ended up having it on only one device. And then we had trouble moving to the next pages of the very long article. Eventually, we just used the textbook. By this time we didn't have much time to make our poster but we got it done. Today, the world did not end and instead we went to the winter concert.
Happy Winter Break and
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Class Update: 12-18-12 and 12-19-12
Yesterday in history class, well let's just say I lost a lot of respect for Abraham Lincoln. We learned about habeas corpus and how it is written in the constitution that it can be suspended in time of rebellion or invasion. Lincoln was the first and last to ever use this privilege. I was shocked that thousands of people were put in jail, simply for speaking out against Lincoln or the Union. One of the most basic freedoms was taken away from them, which in my eyes makes Lincoln a hypocrite. He was obsessed with preserving liberty to all, but took it away from anyone who went against him. Today in class we took lots of notes on the civil war. We also watched a short clip on the projector and looked at excerpts from the Emancipation Proclamation. I find it funny that Lincoln said "If my names goes down in history, it will be for this" It's funny that he used if as if he wasn't sure if he would be remembered. I don't think there is a person in this country that doesn't know Lincoln! He's even immortalized with a memorial and on our currency.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Class Update: 12-14-12 and 12-17-12
On Friday we went to the computer lab. We worked on a large powerpoint that had some questions we had to answer. Basically, the ultimate question we were finding evidence to answer was: Who had the easier task ahead of them, the North or the South? I think my essay will discuss why the South actually should of had the easier test. Today in class we had another QR code scavenger hunt! There were ten questions each describing battles of the Civil War.
Class Update: 12-11-12 and 12-12-12
Lately we've been talking about South Carolina succeeding from the union. Today we discussed whether or not they had the right or the justification to do so. I believe that they should have the right to leave, but their reasoning was not strong enough. Today we talked about the different points of view taken, such as a New Orleans newspaper which clearly thought Lincoln was attacking their way of life. Lincoln believed that he was only preserving liberty to all by eliminating slavery.
Class Update: 12-7-12 and 12-10-12
On the seventh we didn't have class because of the half day but on the tenth we did some worksheets. We talked about a quote from Lincoln where he compares the idea of "liberty to all" to a golden apple and the Constitution and Declaration of Independence to silver settings which preserve the apple.
Class Update: 12-5-12 and 12-6-12
Yesterday in class we had an Ed-Cafe discussing who the most important figure of the 1850s was. Things got pretty heated and we debated loudly as most everyone had a strong opinion. Most people seemed to think that the person they were assigned was the most important even though the winner ended up being Abraham Lincoln, my person. But, I do think that it was really luck of the draw for me as Lincoln was such a large figure. The nest day we had our test, which caused a major hand cramp!
Class Update: 11-30-12 and 12-3-12
I've been quite the bad seed lately and keep forgetting to make my blog posts, but here it is! On Friday we worked on a packet about what caused some Southern states to want to succeed from the union. Today we looked at a political cartoon of the 1860 presidential election. It depicted Republican candidates, including Lincoln, ripping apart a large map of the United States while others worked diligently to glue it back together. Clearly, the cartoonist did not agree with Lincoln as he is seen as tearing apart our nation.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
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