Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Class Update: 12-18-12 and 12-19-12

Yesterday in history class, well let's just say I lost a lot of respect for Abraham Lincoln. We learned about habeas corpus and how it is written in the constitution that it can be suspended in time of rebellion or invasion. Lincoln was the first and last to ever use this privilege. I was shocked that thousands of people were put in jail, simply for speaking out against Lincoln or the Union. One of the most basic freedoms was taken away from them, which in my eyes makes Lincoln a hypocrite. He was obsessed with preserving liberty to all, but took it away from anyone who went against him. Today in class we took lots of notes on the civil war. We also watched a short clip on the projector and looked at excerpts from the Emancipation Proclamation. I find it funny that Lincoln said "If my names goes down in history, it will be for this" It's funny that he used if as if he wasn't sure if he would be remembered. I don't think there is a person in this country that doesn't know Lincoln! He's even immortalized with a memorial and on our currency.

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